We offer a data and growth-driven appraisal of the online assets and activities of companies and organisations in order to help them mitigate risks and grow their business and communications.


Establishing cash value and growth prospects

The GDVA is a 360-degree analysis and conclusions for how well a business is performing digitally, a catalogue of the digital assets of the business, a risk analysis on its vendors and channels, the health and robustness of the data it generates and its opportunity for growth in the future. It culminates in an estimated cash value for those online assets and a trajectory for growing those assets over a 1-3 year term.


Buying or selling a company and its websites and digital assets

Reasons companies want to do the GDVA is to establish what their online activities and assets generate in terms of real business value and revenues, where their position is in relation to competitors, where the gaps and risks are in their activities and what next steps would be if they want to grow and secure their business.  It can also be taken by companies which want to value their operations before selling, and as an acquirer who wants an outsider’s view of the assets about to be acquired.


Elements in the GDVA – a digital due diligence

The elements which are covered include all websites and core digital properties of the company in question, traffic (for instance organic Google, paid search, partners), customers, domains, social properties, all online advertising, SEO, business and digital strategy, data gathering and structure, GDPR, online revenues, and digital’s contribution to offline revenues.  We present this in an actionable findings report either in person or in an online meeting. In order to produce a well-founded report and actions we need to have access to certain data and key people in the organisation in question.


Our focus in the report is the current state of the business and its opportunities for growth. If you’d like us to make contact with you to discuss in more detail then please fill in the form below, or send a text to +46 708 509962.